Tree Care Tips

Why you should hire an arborist

Trees grow just fine without our intervention. That’s why it’s normal for a homeowner to think, “Why should I hire an arborist?” This type of thinking can get homeowners in a huge heap of trouble. Although trees don’t require regular maintenance to grow, they cause all types of damage to their surrounding environment when they’re…

get rid of spotted lanternfly

How to get rid of spotted lantern flies

Beech leaf disease (BLD) affects and kills both native and ornamental beech tree species. It is associated with a nematode, Litylenchus crenatae mccannii. The disease was first discovered in Ohio in 2012. Neighboring infections currently exist in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Ontario, Canada. How To Identify Beech Leaf Disease What You…

Tree care in fall

The health and well-being of our clients, employees, and community is our top priority. With the continued and ever-changing news about COVID-19, we want to share information about how our team is working to ensure your landscape is handled appropriately and safely. Transparency is of the utmost importance, so below are a few of the…

October is the perfect month to check off last-minute landscaping items from your to-do list. Just because the weather is cooling down doesn’t mean it’s time to give up on your garden or landscape! There are plenty of essential tasks required to ensure trees and shrubs are prepared to weather the winter months ahead. Combined…

As we pack up our grills and winterize our home for the upcoming months, it’s also so important to prioritize the health of your landscape. While our Plant Health Care (PHC) program is a year-round effort, fall serves as a pivotal time to ensure trees and shrubs are cared for properly, preparing them to be…

Did you know that you can create (or enhance) your garden to naturally fight pests? Diversifying your landscape with more plant species can enhance the environment and attract pollinators that serve as natural ‘enemies’ to common garden pests. Below are four ways to diversify your garden and enable natural enemies that will protect your gardens…

Insects that destroy seasons

While summer is a popular vacation time for humans, insects are hard at work. Summer garden pests are most active during this time, and this is when pest management goes into full swing. Whether you are growing a culinary herb garden, or an Eco-friendly landscape filled with flowers and shrubs, below are a few of…

These pretty little green bark beetles are smaller than a dime, but are capable of taking down an ash tree that is thousands of times its size.  First spotted in the United States in 2002, the population of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has grown quickly and has made its way to the Northeast with infestations…

As Tree Care professionals, nearly every day we encounter issues that could have been avoided with proper planning. Having record of all your trees, their species, age, size and health history is the first major step to properly caring for a large property. Here at Emerald Tree and Shrub Care, we consider a tree inventory…

Hands down the best crew of workers. They're professional, courteous, and wasted no time to get started.Timothy S.
Committed to the Highest Level of Care

With accreditations by ISA, the Tree Care Industry Association, and an impressive roster of master arborists and ISA-certified tree care professionals, Emerald is the most accredited company of its kind in New York and Connecticut.

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