Tree Care Tips

The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma Delicatula) is an invasive insect species native to parts of Asia, primarily China, Vietnam, and India.

If you are wondering why signing up for Emerald Tree & Shrub Care Company’s organic tick control solutions is essential for homeowners, allow us to explain.

Introduction: At Emerald Tree & Shrub Care, we understand the devastating impact that spotted lanternflies can have on your landscape.

Summer is approaching quickly, and in New York, that means that mosquito populations will be more active as the weather gets warmer.

Mosquitoes are a common sight in the New York area during the summer months. While many view them as annoying pests, they pose significant health risks to humans and animals. In this article, we’ll explore five surprising mosquito facts that highlight their dangers and the importance of mosquito control measures. 1. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases.…

Ticks are common in the New York area and can transmit diseases that can be serious or even fatal if left untreated. Lyme disease is the most well-known tick-borne disease, but several others can cause serious illness. Let’s explore what ticks are, the diseases they can transmit in the New York area, and methods for…

Ticks are very common in many parts of the United States. It’s not very pleasant to find one crawling on you, and even less pleasant to find one making a meal out of you! While ticks can be harmful to their hosts, and they can be quite creepy pests, they can also be very interesting.…

Trees are the survival accessories for every living being on the planet. Beginning from the environmental impacts to the aesthetic appeal, the advantages of planting a treeare infinite. But planting the tree is only the beginning of a journey of responsibility. Unless you have the right tree care industry association, it’s not long before the…

Mosquitoes are a species of insects that belong to the scientific family Culicidae. The term “mosquito” is Spanish and it stands for “little fly”. These insects have three pairs of long legs that resemble hairs along with feathery antennae, elongated mouths, and three pairs of wings. And the universal fact is, everyone hates mosquitoes for…

Most people know about ticks- the tiny bugs that can cause Lyme disease. But many people don’t know that these are capable of causing other infections too. So, don’t let the small size and inconspicuous nature of the ticks fool you.  Tick control is a necessity and you should concentrate on the removal methods the…

Emerald provides excellent customer service. Really good pricing and they always treat my trees like their own.Jason T.
Committed to the Highest Level of Care

With accreditations by ISA, the Tree Care Industry Association, and an impressive roster of master arborists and ISA-certified tree care professionals, Emerald is the most accredited company of its kind in New York and Connecticut.

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