
As Tree Care professionals, nearly every day we encounter issues that could have been avoided with proper planning. Having record of all your trees, their species, age, size and health history is the first major step to properly caring for a large property. Here at Emerald Tree and Shrub Care, we consider a tree inventory…

An invasive insect, the gypsy moth caterpillar, was recently spotted in Cortlandt Manor, NY.

Ever wonder how trees survive periods of extreme freezing in winter and still bloom in spring?

While yard spraying has proven effective in treating ticks on your lawn, there is a new treatment that will help stop the problem where it starts, tick tubes.

Emerald Tree and Shrub Care Receives Gold Star Award from TCIA On Thursday, April 27th, just a day before National Arbor Day, Two local businesses received the Gold Star Award from the Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA): Emerald Tree and Shrub Care, a family owned, Westchester-based provider of high-quality arboriculture and plant health care services,…

Hands down the best crew of workers. They're professional, courteous, and wasted no time to get started.Timothy S.
Committed to the Highest Level of Care

With accreditations by ISA, the Tree Care Industry Association, and an impressive roster of master arborists and ISA-certified tree care professionals, Emerald is the most accredited company of its kind in New York and Connecticut.

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Serving Residential & Commercial
Properties in Westchester County,
Fairfield County & NYC
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