Posted by & filed under Pest Control


As we are sure many of you know, we are in the midst of one of the worst tick seasons in many years.  If you have not already signed up for routine yard sprays, it's not too late, and we have an additional treatment measure we urge you to take advantage of, Tick Tubes.

How Tick Tubes Work

While spraying is a very effective way to control ticks that have settled on your grass, Tick Tubes take the treatment back to the source of the problem: the nests of white footed mice.  These cardboard biodegradable tubes are filled with cotton swabs that have been soaked in an insecticide called permethrin.  Our team strategically places them in common areas of mouse habitat.  Since mice are always looking for soft nesting materials, they will grab up the cotton swabs and bring them back home where they will eventually cover the mice fur with permethrin.  The mouse then becomes our tick control agent, killing any ticks that were hosting on the mouse, along with any future ones that try to attach to the mouse.

For more information of to schedule a treatment call 914-725-0441

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I couldn't be happier with their services. They are very professional, prompt, polite, and clean up extremely well. I highly recommend them.Roy R.
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