Organic Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes begin to emerge when the temperature rises above 70 degrees. For residents that will be using their backyards frequently, monthly mosquito spray treatments between April to October are recommended for maximum protection.

Where Mosquitos Live
With hundreds of thousands of species of mosquitos, different types of water attract different types of these pests:
Floodwater mosquitos. These types of mosquitos lay eggs in moist soil or containers above the waterline. Habitats usually include irrigated fields or meadows, containers that hold water and fill up after rain showers, temporary pools or ponds created by melting now, tree holes that collect rainwater, etc.
Permanent water mosquitos. These pests typically lay eggs in permanent or semi-permanent bodies of water. While some pests prefer clean water, others like nutrient-rich bodies of water like near the edges of ponds, lakes, containers that hold water, or swamps and marshes.
Diseases Spread By Mosquitos
West Nile. This virus can cause high fevers, headaches, muscle weakness, vision loss and more. Individuals over the age of 60 are at greater risk.
Zika. This virus is spread through the bites of Aedes mosquitoes. Those who do get sick usually experience mild symptoms, including fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes.
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (“EEE"). This virus is very rare but serious. It occurs four to ten days after a person has been infected, with symptoms including fever, tiredness, headaches, neck stiffness and more.
Our Solution
Protect the health of your family and landscaping with our conventional and environmentally safe insect control treatments. To combat insect-borne diseases and in our own backyards, Emerald offers safe and effective mosquito protection programs. The two most active ingredients in our mosquito treatments are Cedar Oil & Phenethyl Propionate (found in peanuts!) These ingredients are completely safe for children, pets, plants and other wildlife. It's recommended that the treatment be reapplied every 30-60 days depending on how severe the bug infestation is. However, it's not just yard spray we do, our crew of technicians take the following steps to ensure your yard is pest-free:
- Property inspection and identification of any standing water, where mosquito populations thrive.
- Treat planting beds and shrubs with the client’s preference of an organic or conventional insecticide for mosquitoes and larvae.
- Treat the lawn area with a powerful mosquito repellent spray.
To protect your landscape with family-friendly treatments, reach out to schedule an appointment!