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Organic Tick Control Services

The onset of tick season typically begins in the spring, with the highest activity months taking place in April through October. If you spend time outdoors, it’s important to know that these pests are not just a nuisance, but also a significant health risk when they bite.

The New York State Department of Health has determined that the number of tick-borne diseases found in our area are increasing. When protecting yourself, your family and your landscape, please note the following:

organic tick control

Common Ticks In Our Area

  • Black-legged ticks
  • American Dog ticks
  • Lone Star Ticks

Where Ticks Live

  • Shady, moist areas at ground level.
  • Tall grass areas, including brush, and shrubs usually 18-24 inches off the ground
  • Lawns and gardens, especially at the edges of woods and around old stone walls

Diseases Spread By Ticks

Lyme Disease. Within 30 days of a tick bite, victims experience red, round or oval rashes, muscle pain, fever and fatigue

Powassan Disease. Between one week and one month of exposure, symptoms include fever, headache, weakness, confusion and possible seizures. Meningitis or Encephalitis could result from a Powassan infection.

Anaplasmosis. Within two weeks of a tick bite, victims experience headache, fever, chills, muscle aches and nausea.  

Ehrlichiosis. Within two weeks of a tick bite, victims experience headache, chills, fever, muscle pain and more.

Babesiosis. Symptoms may develop within a few days to months of a bite. They are flu-like in nature and without proper treatment, could lead to life-threatening symptoms

Tularemia. This is a bacterial infection normally characterized by an ulcer at the site of the tick bite and swelling of the lymph glands. If untreated, it can become pneumonic and possibly deadly.

Our Organic Tick Control Solution

To combat insect-borne diseases and viruses in our own backyards, Emerald offers safe and effective tick protection programs. The two most active ingredients in our organic tick treatments are Cedar Oil & Phenethyl Propionate (found in peanuts!) These ingredients are completely safe for children, pets, plants and other wildlife. It's recommended that the treatment be reapplied every 30-60 days depending on how severe the infestation is. However, it's not just organic yard spray we do, our crew of technicians take the following steps to ensure your yard is pest-free:

  • Property inspection and identification of any moist areas such as standing water, where tick populations thrive.
  • Treat planting beds and shrubs with the client’s preference of an organic or conventional insecticide for adult ticks, mosquitoes and larvae.
  • Treat the lawn area with a powerful tick repellent spray.

To protect your landscape with family-friendly organic tick control treatments, reach out to schedule an appointment!

Hands down the best crew of workers. They're professional, courteous, and wasted no time to get started.Timothy S.
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